If you are a good web designer, but you’re looking to become great, here are the traits you need to have.
1. You need to know how the user feels. You need to empathize with them. If you were designing a website just for yourself and for you only, you wouldn’t have to consider about the feelings and attitudes of other people. But, when you’re working as a web designer, you design websites for other people to use. And you that is why you need to consider whether other people will like it or not and how it will make them feel.
If you want to be great, you need to think like that. You need to understand the motivations of the people coming to the websites, their desires, what they like and don’t like, what they prefer, things like that. Getting to that point is not easy at all, but not everybody can be great.
2. You need to have hard facts to back your work and your projects, not just instincts. Yes, feeling the users and empathizing with them is really important, but it can get you only so far. Having hard data to back up your claims and relying on facts is something that will help you greatly in the long run and that will bring you one step closer to becoming a master web designer. Market research and all the data you collect will benefit you immensely, so you need to focus on that and be great at it, if you want to become a great web designer.
3. Keep it simple and don’t push your users so far they can’t figure out what you meant. If a person has to put time and effort into figuring out how your website actually works, they won’t be blown away and they won’t really enjoy it. An UI needs to be intuitive and easily understandable, not complex and difficult to figure out.
4. You’ll need to bend where the wind blows sometimes. Of course you have your personal tastes and preferences, but sometimes you need to put them aside and actually do what other people want you to do. There will be times where you’ll be able to let your creativity shine through and create something really unique, but sometimes you just have to think of web design as a business, because it is one. To summarize, what the user wants is more important than what you want.
Also, when you are able to put aside your preferences and compromise, you are much more open to working with someone else. Collaborating may yield some amazing results, but you won’t be able to do it if you can’t compromise with other people. Keeping open mind and working together, creating something that is a mutual product, and thinking about the customers, is going to take you a long way into becoming a great web designer.